A priest and performer considers religion, the arts, and the often thin space between sacred and secular, church and culture, pulpit and pew.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Litany in the Wake of Boston and Texas

Here is the litany we'll be praying in my parish this morning:

A Litany of Healing, Hope, and Peace

Presider:            Entrusting our lives, our communities, and our world to the God who created, redeems, and sustains us, let us pray for peace, healing and hope.

A person appointed then leads the Litany:

God the Father, your will for all people is health, peace, justice, and salvation;
We praise you and thank you, O God.

God the Son, you came to show us a new way of being, reconciling us with you and one another;
Hear us, O God, and heal our world.

God the Holy Spirit, you manifest your Presence among us, giving us hope and empowering us for your service;
Hear us, O God, and heal our world.

Holy Trinity, one God, source of life and foundation of all relationship;
Hear us, O God, and heal our world.

O God, hear our prayers for all those affected by the bombings in Boston:
For those who died in the bombings and ensuing events;
Grant them eternal rest, O God.

For those who suffered life-changing injuries and who face a new and different way of life, and for those who mourn;
Give them hope and grant them healing, O God.

Hear our prayers for those affected by the explosion in West, Texas:
For those who died;
Grant them eternal rest, O God.

For the injured, and for those who mourn;
Give them hope and grant them healing, O God.

For first responders in every situation: law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and others who put their lives at risk for the sake of others; and for medical professionals, clergy and counselors who care for the injured in body and spirit;
We give you thanks, O God.

That our words may convey wisdom and mercy, and our actions carry integrity and justice, we pray;
Hear us, O God.

That our workplaces and schools may be kept safe and our public gatherings free from danger, and that our neighborhoods will be places of peace, we pray;
Hear us, O God.

That respectful dialogue among nations, religions, and peoples will increase, we pray;
Hear us, O God.

That those with hearts inclined to violence will turn themselves toward peace, and those inclined to hate and vilify others will come to know and share your love, we pray;
Hear us, O God.

That all those who suffer from pain, illness, fear, injustice, natural calamities, and human violence may feel the grace and healing of your presence, we pray;
Hear us, O God.

The presider concludes:
All these things we ask, loving and gracious God, for the sake of the world you so love and have redeemed. Make us your instruments of peace and healing in the name of Jesus the Shepherd who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

 ©Cynthia J. Hallas

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