A priest and performer considers religion, the arts, and the often thin space between sacred and secular, church and culture, pulpit and pew.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prayers of the People


[Following the form in your bulletin, and responding as indicated,] let us offer our prayers to God for the church and for the world.

Let us pray for the creation.


Grant that we may exercise prudent stewardship of this good earth, that those with whom we share it now, and those who come after us, may enjoy its bounty and blessings. Drive far from us our inclinations to consume too much and to hoard what is not ours. – PAUSE -


Show us your mercy, O Lord.

People: And grant us your salvation.


Let us pray for the church.


For Justin, Archbishop-elect of Canterbury…(the usual list, including Anglican, Diocesan, and parish cycles of prayer….) – PAUSE -


Clothe your ministers with righteousness;

People: Let your people sing with joy.


Let us pray for the nations of the world.


For all who suffer the burdens of poverty, injustice, war and other violence – especially in…. – PAUSE -


Give peace, O Lord, in all the world;

People: For only in you can we live in safety.


Let us pray for local, regional, and national leaders.


For Barack, our President; [N], our Governor; for the Congress of the United States, the Supreme Court, and the [state name] legislature; and for leaders of our several communities. – PAUSE -


Lord, keep this nation under your care.

People: And guide us in the way of justice and truth.


Let us give thanks for our blessings.


For (baptisms, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) – PAUSE -


Day by day we bless you;

People: We praise your Name for ever.


Let us pray for those in any kind of need, in our parish and elsewhere.


For (regional cycle); for (N.N.); and for all who are ill, isolated, grieving, and who go without basic human needs. – PAUSE -


Let not the needy, O Lord, be forgotten:

People: Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.


Let us pray for those who have died.


For (N.N.) and those who have died as a result of human action, human neglect, or natural disasters…. – PAUSE -


Grant them eternal rest, O God;

People: And let light perpetual shine upon them.


Let us pray that in all things we who worship the God of mercy, love and reconciliation may be strengthened and renewed for ministry in the world. – PAUSE -

Create in us clean hearts, O God.

People: And sustain us with your Holy Spirit.



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